The Human Anatomy

You can see everything from a bird's eye view. The same can be said for a doctor who not only studied the human anatomy, but included studies in areas like clinical pathology, microbiology, pharmacology, drug dosage, epidemiology, and therapy to get a bird's eye view of the human body and how to treat it. This is the doctor who truly cares; this is the doctor who saves lives.

The human anatomy is very complex, and studying the human anatomy through course after course can get confusing. When material is broken up from course to course, you can forget a lot. Try studying the human anatomy as a whole at one time. This way, you get the bigger picture and can relate one concept to another.

Whether you're just starting out in your medical career or are a long-time health practitioner, it's essential to get a good overview of the human anatomy to avoid any costly mistakes. Medical malpractice lawsuits are on the rise. You may know someone who has gone through this. The doctor spends hours and hours sitting through a deposition, has to respond to numerous discovery requests, and has fear of his/her license being taken away. And, for what? Because he/she dismissed a patient without doing an MRI or some other method that deviated from the standard of care. There is no room for mistakes in this field for dismissing patients because they appear "okay". Don't let that be you.

A good course on the human anatomy will have lectures, reading materials, and illustrations carefully diagrammed and labeled. Lectures help the auditory learner. Reading materials help the visual learner. Visual stimuli is important for retaining information. This is why illustrations are so vital. Combining these three methods of learning, you are sure to retain what you have reviewed.

There are many things to learn about the human anatomy, so find one that focuses primarily on basic physiology first. Study the different tissues and cells and about envelopes of the body. Learn about all of the different organ systems, how they relate to one another, and how they communicate with one another. Other useful studies that will help you understand the human body in depth is: clinical pathology, microbiology, pharmacology, drug dosage, epidemiology, and therapy.

Clinical pathology teaches how to diagnose diseases by analyzing bodily fluids placed on slides in a laboratory. Microbiology is useful to medicine because it offers explanations of how the human body becomes diseased by viruses, bacteria, parasites and fungi. Pharmacology studies the effects of drugs introduced to the body. Drug dosage concerns the appropriate quantities of a drug given to a patient to treat or alleviate discomfort. Epidemiology studies health in society. Therapy is useful in recovery. It is through all of these measures that a doctor gets an appropriate view of a patient's illness. The doctor can look at a patient's ailment from all sides armed with this knowledge and can come to an accurate diagnosis. The type of person who takes a course such as this will be the doctor who truly cares about his/her patient.

Make a difference in a patient's life. Make a difference in your own. Without studying the human anatomy as it relates to society, one cannot understand the environmental factors on health. Without studying microbiology, one cannot understand where or how a disease is introduced to a body. Without therapy, one cannot understand what allows for rehabilitation. Without all of these different angles covering the complete health of the human body, one cannot save lives. Studying a course focused on all of these angles is essential.


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